dr. Bianka Benedek
handwriting expert
In case of official delegation the many times modified orders of the Ministry of Justice 3/1986 and 6/2002 should be taken into consideration at the assessment of cost.
In case of private delegation on the basis of preliminary statements, the subject matters handed over to expert examination should be taken into account at the assessment of cost.
3/1986. (II.21.) IM rendelet Az igazságügyi szakértők díjazásáról
1998. évi XIX. törvény a Büntető eljárásról
31/2003 (VI.24.) IM.PM-BM együttes rendelet a bűnügyi költségek előlegzéséről
23 May 2005 (Act XLVII of 2005) on the judicial expert activities
23 May 2005 (Act XLVIII of 2005) on the delegation of the judicial expert in non-legal proceedings and on the modification of the Act III of 1952 on the Civil Procedure
31/2008 =VII.31.) IRM rendelet Az igazságügyi szakértői működésről
The Code of Ethics of the judicial expert activities
The rules of how to become a judicial exper
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